Resources Library: Newsletters/Journals

2015 Issue of “The Resource” from NSVRC

Added Friday, September 29, 2017 by Action Alliance

The Spring/Summer 2015 edition of The Resource shines a spotlight on campus sexual assault. Included in the special campus section are the following articles:

  • 'The Hunting Ground': An interview with filmmaker Amy Ziering reveals it wasn't difficult to find survivors of campus sexual violence who wanted to tell their stories for the documentary film. "The sad thing is, there are way too many survivors," Ziering said.
  • Director's Viewpoint: Karen Baker, Director of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, talks about a busy Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April 2015, the theme of which was "It's Time to Act: Safer Campuses, Brighter Futures. Prevent Sexual Violence."
  • Prevention preparedness: Are coalitions in the U.S. ready to lead primary prevention, campus-based efforts?
  • 'From compliance to commitment': The North Carolina Campus Consortium hosted its first-ever Campus Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Peer Educator's Summit.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Photos from 30 busy days of activism.

Other topics covered in this issue include: effective social media advocacy, The Six Pillars for Prevention of child sexual abuse, the 2015 National Sexual Assault Conference in Los Angeles, and more.

Click here to view.

Access To and Use of Sexual Health Care Services Among Young Canadians With and Without a History of Sexual Coercion

Added Tuesday, May 31, 2016 by Action Alliance

The goal of this 2015 online survey was to determine access to and use of sexual health care services among adolescents and young adults with and without a history of sexual coercion, and to examine whether a history of sexual coercion was a barrier to using sexual health care services.


The study ultimately found that having a history of sexual coercion was not a barrier to the use of health care services among adolescents and young adults. In fact, rates of health care service use were higher among those with a history of sexual coercion than those without such a history.

Building Consentful Tech zine

Added Monday, February 26, 2018 by Action Alliance

(as originally posted on on 2/22/2018)

Our data can be so many things: our locations and travel times tracked by Uber, our search and browsing histories on Google, and the words we use frequently in our Facebook posts. Building Consentful Tech prompts tech creators, such as app and platform developers, to reflect on how they can give users more agency and information on how (and whether) they share their personal data.

Ending Rape Culture - Activity Zine

Added Monday, September 28, 2020 by Action Alliance


This zine includes talking points and activities to help you facilitate that visioning conversation and support or shape your approach to violence prevention work.

The Rape Culture Pyramid and Ending Rape Culture Activity were created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance as a resource for community agencies, educators, and organizers to better understand and talk about rape culture.

FACTS and STATS- Women of Color Network

Added Thursday, February 05, 2015 by Action Alliance

Current, Comprehensive, and Concise resources intended to heighten awarness of unique issues affecting communities of color. Specific information is provided on African American Women, Asian and Pacific Islander Women, Hispanic/Latino Women, and Native American/Alaskan Indian Women.