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Author: Action Alliance

Effects of Racism on Domestic Violence Resources

Added Thursday, January 29, 2015 by Action Alliance

This article examines how racism affects African-American women in terms of domestic violence. Racism alters how African American women receive treatment through domestic violence resources and how they perceive resources. Because of racism, African American women have specific concerns when making decisions about domestic violence relationships and what resources would be best for them.

Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence in Later Life: Innovative New Resources for the Community

Added Tuesday, May 06, 2014 by Action Alliance

This archived webinar and power point presentation address the issues of elder abuse and domestic violence in later life.  Additionally,  they provide the faith-based community, service providers in aging and violence prevention and other interested individuals with a key new resource to help them respond appropriately and assist people in abusive situations to get the help they need.  Lisa Furr with the Virginia Center on Aging and Adrienne Johnson with SeniorNavigator presented with Dr. E. Ayn Welleford (Virginia Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders/Virginia Commonwealth University) moderating.

Elder Abuse in Communities of Color

Added Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by Action Alliance

This 8-page resource published by the Women of Color Network as part of their Facts & Stats Collection provides a general overview of abuse later in life. It includes a chart of types of elder abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, and healthcare fraud/abuse. Also included are sections highilighting specific issues and distinguishing dynamics that confront communities of color, including Latino/Hispanic, Native American/Alaskan Indian, Asian & Pacific Islander, and African American. Concludes with a great list of resources, both for elders and for communities of color.

Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

Added Tuesday, May 06, 2014 by Action Alliance

Who are the victims of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation?  Does it surprise you to know that most elder mistreatment is committed, not by strangers, but by persons known to the victim, such as family members, caregivers and others in positions of trust?  How is suspected abuse reported?  And how can professionals work collaboratively to better address this complex issue?

These questions and more are addressed in this archived webinar and power point presentation titled “Elder  Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation.”  Dr. Paula Kupstas and Lisa Furr of the Virginia Center on Aging presented on the topic; Dr. E. Ayn Welleford (Virginia Commission on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders/Virginia Commonwealth University) moderated the discussion.

Ending Rape Culture - Activity Zine

Added Monday, September 28, 2020 by Action Alliance


This zine includes talking points and activities to help you facilitate that visioning conversation and support or shape your approach to violence prevention work.

The Rape Culture Pyramid and Ending Rape Culture Activity were created by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance as a resource for community agencies, educators, and organizers to better understand and talk about rape culture.