Resources Library:

PREA Part 8: TRAINING ON DEMAND: Webinars, Videos, Modules

Added Friday, March 27, 2015 by Action Alliance

PREA is the first United States federal law dealing with the sexual abuse/assault of people who are incarcerated. The PREA Resource Bank, which offers a collection of essential PREA resources, research, toolkits, templates, and training, is divided into 7 sections.

Part 7, Training on Demand, features a collection of links that will take you to archived webinars, video presentations, curricula, and posters that you can access on demand on your own time.

PREA Webinars

Added Thursday, July 02, 2015 by Action Alliance

This is not your typical PREA training. This webinar offers an exciting look into PREA opportunities. Hear how Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies are successfully providing training and education as well as services. Enjoy discussions about dismantling the stigma around providing services to people who are incarcerated.   Learn about tools and resources to build your organization's capacity to both train people in your community and expand your services.

Opportunities for Providers & Dismantling Stigma Part 1

Opportunities for Providers & Dismantling Stigma Part 2

Pregnancy Associated Deaths in Virginia: New Report

Added Tuesday, March 22, 2016 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

"Ten Year Trends in Pregnancy-Associated Death in Virginia" is a new report using data from the Virginia Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Surveillance System.  The full report can be found here.

Pregnant and Parenting Survivors

Added Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by Action Alliance

The Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs (WCSP) provides discipline specific information for advocates working with pregnant and parenting survivors.  This resource from the WCSP not only provides practice guidelines and examples, but also specific facts related to reproductive and sexual coercion experienced by many survivors.  Additionaly, the WCSP site provides information on the specific needs of survivors during pregnancy and post-delivery.

Prevent IPV Tools for Social Change

Added Wednesday, April 29, 2015 by Action Alliance

Prevent IPV Tools for Social Change is a website developed and managed by the IPV Prevention Council, a national effort committed to enhancing the capacity of domestic violence agencies to advance a national prevention agenda.  The Tools Inventory is a searchable peer-generated collection of resources, including training tools, campaigns, promising programs, evidence, policies, and other materials to advance the prevention of IPV.