Resources Library: Tools

Levels of Violence in the United States

Added Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Virginia Department of Social Services

This document was provided at the workshop titled "Beyond Trauma: A Presentation of Dr. Stephanie Covington’s Trauma Theory and Beyond Trauma Women’s Groups" at the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence Promising Practices conference on September 16, 2013.

LGBT DV: Beyond the Wheel - Tactics of Abuse

Added Monday, May 22, 2017 by Action Alliance

This document, developed and produced by The NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian, and Gay Survivors of Abuse, takes a deeper look beyond the power and control wheel to dig deeper into tactics of abuse often used against people within the LGBTQ community.

Liberatory Practices for Accountability Across the Social Ecological Model

Added Friday, October 09, 2020 by Action Alliance

What does accountability look like without punishment, isolation, and shaming?

What are the shifts we can make in ourselves, our relationships, communities, and as a society to move from punishment to true accountability, which builds connection and encourages growth?

This infographic, created for the Action Alliance webinar series, “Reimagining Our Legacy: Transforming from Criminalization to Liberation”, seeks to offer a few ways in which we can practice methods of accountability that liberate us from punishment and harm and move us toward healing and connection.

Military Resource Handbook for Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Centers

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

A comprehensive handbook for Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies who may be working with victims/survivors serving in the military. Includes Department of Defense policies on sexual and domestic violence, reporting procedures, tips for collaboration between civilian and military organizations, sample safety plans, and additional resources.

Published by Virginia Sexual & Domestic VIolence Action Alliance.

January, 2008.

60 pages.  

Model Policies for Providing Services to LGBTQ Survivors of Violence

Added Friday, August 01, 2014 by Action Alliance

This guide is intended to assist sexual and domestic violence direct service organizations in
Virginia that wish to better serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)
survivors of violence.
There are two major sections to this guide:
1. Model Policies
2. Best Practices

The guide is available in both English and Spanish