Resources Library: Multidisciplinary

Geographic Location and Type of Family and Intimate Partner Homicide in Virginia 1999-2008

Added Monday, April 09, 2012 by Office of Attorney General

This report presents information about the geopgraphic distribution of family and intimate partner homicide types among Virginia's five Health Planning Regions.

Published: February 2012
Data Included: 1999-2008

This report is a product of Virginia Department of Health's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner's Family & Intimate Partner Homicide Surveillance Project.  For more information about this project, visit:

Guns and Domestic Violence are a lethal combination - Infographic

Added Monday, June 12, 2023 by Action Alliance

The Action Alliance supports policies to remove firearms from potentially lethal situations and give law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and courts tools to effectively enforce measures to protect victims, their families, and the broader community. This infographic highlights some of the ways that firearm-based violence and domestic violence intersect featuring statistical data from multiple resources.

Heroes Among Us Comic Book

Added Tuesday, October 05, 2021 by Action Alliance

The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence developed a creative tool for Latinx communities in rural areas while adhering to the social distance recommendations issued by health experts due to COVID-19.

You can also review a short recorded video webinar explaining what it is and providing more information about how people might use it. You can access the recording here.

Highlights from the Revised FVPSA Regulations for Advocates and Programs Serving LGBTQ Survivors

Added Monday, May 14, 2018 by Action Alliance

Revised rules and regulations regarding the FVPSA program have taken effect.

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act program provides federal funds to states for distribution to DV and SA programs. Most DV programs receiving state funds also receive FVPSA funds. The FVPSA regulations set forth important parameters, limits and requirements for FVPSA funded programs. These regulations impact survivors on a day to day level.
FVPSA program office undertook a careful and collaborative process of updating regulations to reflect what the field has learned about the needs and realities of DV survivors as well as the DV movement’s and Federal Government’s commitment to meaningful and accessible services for DV survivors and their children.

Changes include improvements and clarifications related to access to DV advocacy and shelter for LGBTQ survivors.

HIV trends in Virginia 2014 - 2018 - Report

Added Friday, April 05, 2019 by Action Alliance

The Division of Disease Prevention produces quarterly and annual reports on HIV Surveillance data, and also produces an Epidemiology Profile of those living with HIV that is updated annually with data on key populations affected by the disease.

These reports can be found here on the VDH website (Data and Reports box)

If additional data are needed, please contact VDH directly to discuss.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also has a number of reports available at their site, with state-level and national data on HIV surveillance. These can be found here.