Resources Library: Multidisciplinary

Technology Safety Planning with Survivors

Added Thursday, April 03, 2014 by Action Alliance

Technology has a major impact on survivors of abuse. It can be used by a survivor to access help, to strategically maintain safety and privacy, and to remain connected to family and friends. It is often used to prove guilt and hold offenders accountable. Yet, technology, in its various forms, is also misused by abusers and perpetrators in crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking. The National Network to End Domestic Violence has developed Technology Safety Planning with Survivors to address how technology impacts the safety, privacy, accessibility, and civil rights of victims.

Ten Years and Counting:  The Persistence of Lethal Domestic Violence in Virginia

Added Monday, April 09, 2012 by Office of Attorney General

Final Report on domestic violence fatality review with recommendations from The Fatal Domestic Violence Workgroup. 
Published:  December, 2010

This report is a product of Virginia Department of Health's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner's Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project.  For more information, visit:

The Action Alliance and Public Policy

Added Tuesday, January 30, 2018 by Action Alliance

The Action Alliance is dedicated to enhancing Virginia's response to and prevention of sexual and domestic violence through public policy. This infographic highlights a few of our public policy priorities for the next five years.

The Alarming Truth Behind the Rising Mortality Rate in the U.S.

Added Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Action Alliance

While the global maternal mortality rate (MMR) decreased by 36.6 percent between 2000 and 2015, the U.S. MMR increased by 16.6 percent. The United States was one of six countries and the only developed country to see an increase in maternal mortality during this time period.

To learn more, check out the infographic below designed by Bradley University’s online Master of Science in Nursing program.

Infographic on the truth behind the rising maternal mortality rate in the United States


The Economic Burden of Rape - a CDC Report

Added Thursday, February 16, 2017 by Action Alliance

The Economic Burden of Rape infographic previewSexual violence is a significant problem in the United States and prevention is a priority for CDC’s Injury Center. Studying the economic impact of rape helps us better understand the burden of sexual violence. According to the 2011 U.S. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), more than 23 million women and nearly 2 million men report experiencing rape at some point in their lives.

A new CDC study, “Lifetime Economic Burden of Rape among United States Adults” estimates the lifetime cost of rape in the U.S. Previous estimates focused on rape-related criminal justice costs—such as cost per sexual assault incident. CDC’s estimate includes more comprehensive information, including the cost per rape incident victims’ long-term mental and physical health outcomes.

Click below to download the report of the study or the summary infographic.