Resources Library: Advocates

Moving Upstream: Newsletter for the Primary Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence

Added Tuesday, February 21, 2012 by Action Alliance

An indispensible resource for building capacity for the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence. Each issue features a theoretical article by a sexual violence prevention specialist, a spotlight on promising practices in Virginia, information on events in Virginia relevant to primary sexual violence prevention, and a “Funder’s Forum” section with guest information from the Virginia Department of Health’s Center for Injury and Violence Prevention.

“Moving Upstream” is made possible by Virginia Department of Health and Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Published 3-4 times annually.

National Women’s Law Center - Mythbusting Title IX and Sexual Assault

Added Wednesday, September 27, 2017 by Action Alliance

Nearly one in five undergraduate women experience sexual assault or attempted sexual assault while in college, as do too many men and gender non-conforming students. Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments requires that schools prevent and respond to reports of sexual harassment, including rape, to ensure survivors can continue to learn in the wake of violence. Despite significant evidence to the contrary, some critics argue that survivors of sexual misconduct on college campuses have too many rights. Myths like these are inconsistent with the law and ignore the real experiences of students subjected to sexual harassment. Below are other myths and facts about sexual assault and Title IX.

Click here to view.

Not Invisible: Rape on the Reservation and What You Can Do About It

Added Monday, November 21, 2016 by Action Alliance

Government statistics paint a shocking picture – Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in America. Indigenous women interviewed by Amnesty International said they didn’t know anyone in their community who had not experienced sexual violence. Why is this? What can be done to prevent these atrocities and how can service providers and communities come together to support survivors in culturally appropriate and meaningful ways?

We were honored to have Mending the Sacred Hoop Executive Director Tina Olson explore these questions and more for this important webinar.  A lot of important and powerful information was shared, particularly relative to native women (it was focused specifically on women).  Click here to view the recording and view additional resources below.

Officers and Advocates: Oil and Water?

Added Monday, June 12, 2017 by Action Alliance

From End Violence Against Women International

One of our most popular articles addresses the collaboration between law enforcement and victim advocates, with the title Oil and Water?  This article was first written years ago, but it remains just as timely today.  We are therefore providing the information in a series of Training Bulletins.

In this first installment, we begin with a historical perspective and explore the role of victim advocates within the context of the criminal justice system.  In the second bulletin, we describe why some professionals are reluctant to integrate victim advocacy in their work and identify strategies for overcoming that reluctance.  Then in the final installment, we walk through an example of how advocates might address one particular challenge:  When the law enforcement investigator feels like the facts "don't add up."


Open Minds to Equality Resource Book

Added Thursday, September 28, 2017 by Action Alliance

Open Minds to Equality is an educator’s sourcebook of activities to help students understand and change inequalities based on race, gender, class, age, language, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, and religion. The activities also promote respect for diversity and interpersonal equality among students, fostering a classroom that is participatory, cooperative, and democratic. Learning activities are sequenced to build awareness and understanding. This book is an essential resource for teachers, leaders in professional development, and curriculum specialists.

This fourth edition of Open Minds to Equality contains a wealth of updated information and resources. New lessons address immigration, anti-Muslim discrimination, gender identity, and bullying. The comprehensive, annotated bibliography has been revised and updated.