This handout was provided by Martha Kurgans, from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, at the workshop titled "How Community Service Boards and Domestic Violence Programs Can Help Each Other" at the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence Promising Practices conference on September 16, 2013.
This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Anne Menard, from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, for the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence Promising Practices Conference on September 17, 2013.
This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Martha Kurgan from the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services at the Virginia Department of Social Services Promising Practices conference on September 16, 2013.
This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Allison Conyers, from the Virginia Partners for Inclusive Communities, for the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence at the Promising Practices Conference on September 16, 2013.
This journal article was provided at the workshop titled "Beyond Trauma: A Presentation of Dr. Stephanie Covington’s Trauma Theory and Beyond Trauma Women’s Groups" at the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Family Violence Promising Practices conference on September 16, 2013.