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Author: Action Alliance

Brochure: I Didn’t Want It to Happen (Sexual Assault brochure)

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

Brochure for adult survivors of sexual assault.

English and Spanish versions.

Published by Virginia Sexual & Domestic VIolence Action Alliance.

Tri-fold brochure.

Order brochures from the Action Alliance.

Brochure: Kids and Domestic VIolence

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

A look at domestic violence from a kid's perspective and what we can do to help keep kids safe.

English and Spanish versions.

Published by Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance.

Tri-fold brochure.

Order brochures and other materials from the Action Alliance

Brochure: Kids and Sexual Abuse

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

A look at sexual abuse from a kid's perspective and what we can all do to help keep kids safe.

Order brochures and other materials from the Action Alliance

Brochure: Planning For Your Safety

Added Thursday, October 13, 2011 by Action Alliance

How to plan for your safety whether currently living together or apart from an abusive partner.

English and Spanish versions.

Published by Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance.

Quarter-fold brochure (legal-sized paper).

Order materials at the Action Alliance.

Budgeting: A Guide for Small Nonprofit Organizations

Added Thursday, February 19, 2015 by Action Alliance

Budgeting: A Guide for Small Nonprofit Organizations is provided by the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants.  This 8-page document provides an overview of the budget development process, including the role of the budget committee, setting budget priorities and realities, preparation timeline, how to use the budget as a management tool.  Great resource for new directors and financial managers!