Resources Library:

New Resources on Adult Fatality Review in Virginia

Added Tuesday, March 22, 2016 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

As of July 1, 2015, Virginia law supports the formation of local and regional Adult Fatality Review Teams (AFRTs) to identify and review deaths involving abuse, neglect and exploitation of incapacitated and older adults in the Commonwealth. Resources to assist communities in forming AFRTs can be found here.

Next Steps

Added Tuesday, November 12, 2013 by Virginia Department of Social Services

This Power Point presentation was developed and presented by Nancy Fowler, Program Manager at the Office of Family Violence for the Promising Practices For Domestic Violence Programs conference on September 18, 2013

Nonprofits and Lobbying: General Information

Added Wednesday, January 02, 2019 by Action Alliance

as originally publised on VAWnet:

While nonprofit organizations need to be aware of restrictions on the amount of “lobbying” in which their organization can engage, many activities that can help educate policymakers and influence policy development are not considered “lobbying” and therefore are not subject to those limitations.

Many activities that can help educate policy makers are not considered to be “lobbying” under the IRS rules. In its guidance, the IRS notes that nonprofit organizations may conduct educational meetings, prepare and distribute educational materials, or otherwise discuss public policy issues in an educational manner that is not focused on influencing specific legislation.

Included on this page are explanations of federal guidelines and IRS tools used to measure nonprofit organizations’ lobbying activities, advice for complying with limitations on nonprofits’ ability to lobby, as well as specific information and resources for domestic and sexual violence agencies

Click here for mroe information on this resource.

Not Invisible: Rape on the Reservation and What You Can Do About It

Added Monday, November 21, 2016 by Action Alliance

Government statistics paint a shocking picture – Native American and Alaska Native women are more than 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in America. Indigenous women interviewed by Amnesty International said they didn’t know anyone in their community who had not experienced sexual violence. Why is this? What can be done to prevent these atrocities and how can service providers and communities come together to support survivors in culturally appropriate and meaningful ways?

We were honored to have Mending the Sacred Hoop Executive Director Tina Olson explore these questions and more for this important webinar.  A lot of important and powerful information was shared, particularly relative to native women (it was focused specifically on women).  Click here to view the recording and view additional resources below.

Now Available: 2013 Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Report

Added Tuesday, September 09, 2014 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner announces the release of the 2013 Annual Report on Family and Intimate Partner Homicide: A descriptive analysis of the characteristics and circumstances surrounding family and intimate partner homicide in Virginia.

This report contains an overview of 2013 data from the Family and Intimate Partner (FIP) Homicide Surveillance Project.  Highlighted findings include:

• 36% of all homicides in 2013 in Virginia were attributed to Family and Intimate Partner Violence (FIPV).  While the overall number of homicides has decreased since 2009, the proportion of deaths attributed to FIPV remains stable at one in three or higher.
• Firearms were used in 57% of FIP Homicides, a 21% increase from 2012.
• Despite the majority of FIP Homicide victims being white and female, the highest death rate was among blacks (2.9), with black males dying at a higher rate than any other group (3.1).
• The highest number of FIP Homicides occurred in the Eastern Health Planning Region (39); Richmond City had the highest number of deaths (10) for any one locality.

We invite your review of the full report, which is available at: