Resources Library:

Family and Intimate Partner Homicide: 2011

Added Monday, October 21, 2013 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

The Office of the Cheif Medical Examiner released it's annual report from the Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Surveillance Project in April, 2013.  The annual report is a descriptive analysis of the characteristics and circumstances surrounding family and intimate partner homicide in Virginia in 2011.  This and other reports from the Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Surveillance Project can be found here.

Family and Intimate Partner Violence Fatality Review Protocol (3rd edition)

Added Sunday, December 19, 2010 by Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

Team Protocol and Resource Manual (3rd Edition)

This Protocol and Resource Manual that supports the development of local and regional domestic violence fatality review teams in Virginia. The resources and materials included here provide directions on death review in the area of domestic violence homicides.
Published by: Virginia Department of Health, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. December, 2009. 98 pages.

FAQ on the VAWA Confidentiality Provision

Added Thursday, February 18, 2021 by Action Alliance

If you've ever been confused about the difference between VAWA, FVPSA, VOCA, and HIPAA on issues of privacy and confidentiality for survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence, rest assured, you are not alone. Navigating these different standards can be very confusing when it comes to service provisions, survivor privacy, and data confidentialty.

This document produced by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women has produced a very helpful FAQ document that addresses many of the questions that arrise in SDVAs when it comes to how to protect surivior's privacy based on VAWA requiements. There are answers to question about verbal consent, what to do if law enforcement visit shelters, how grantees should handle grant monitoring inquiries, and considerations for using cloud servers for data storage. Check it out by downloading it below.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Added Tuesday, February 04, 2020 by Action Alliance

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness month. This poster outlines some common misconceptions about teen dating violence as well as offering some action items toward preventing it. For more information, see and

Federal Firearms Law: Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban

Added Monday, November 15, 2010 by Office of the Executive Secretary

An important Notice to Persons Convicted of Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence This  brochure was developed by the Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia Supreme Court of Virginia, Office of Executive Secretary.